

初中英语作文 篇1

going to school and receiving education are part of my daily life. some children don't like the school life, but they still need to study every day. for me, i find the great joy as i work with my classmates. sometimes when the teacher asks us to finish the job in a group, we will discuss and share our opinion after class. we learn from each other and get improved quickly. we become close friends, so in the weekend, we will hang out and find something interesting to do. i love school life. it makes me grow up and become a better person. thanks to my friends’ help, i make progress greatly.

初中英语作文 篇2

it is well-known that water isindispensable in existing, in producing and in living. and we should not wasteof a drop of water.


first, water isdefinitely important for life. as is known to us all, water is necessary tosupport life. without water, human beings, animals and plants cannot exist atall.


second, water is also significant forproducing. for one thing, industrial production needs a lot of water, such asusing water to generate electricity. for another, agricultural production isalso in need of water, especially in irrigation.


finally, water is indispensable in life. inour daily life, we are not able to finish many things without water, such ascooking and washing.


to sum up, water is absolutely significantfor our living, for producing and for living. therefore, we need to make fulluse of each drop of water and form a habit of saving water.


初中英语作文 篇3

students need enough sports and activities to do physical exercises and relax, but in some schools they are not given enough time to do outside activities. its harmful for students growth. teachers ask students to spend most of their time on studies. but when they feel tired and bored, students cant concentrate on studies. they are in bad health.

its necessary to give students enough time to do outside activities. after good relaxation and rest, students will work harder.

pay attention to students health and growth.

初中英语作文 篇4

these are lots of books in our daily life. some are about history, some are novels, and some are even about the dream in the future. i think it's useful to read stories, because it can be used sometimes. once, there was a very difficult question in an important history exam history, which wasn't mentioned in our history books, even our teacher has never told us about it. but i remembered clearly that i had read it in a history story, so i answered the question without difficulty and became the only student in our class who answered the question correctly. in my view, it's useful to read stories.

初中英语作文 篇5

as there are alot of languages in the world, it will make lots of difficulties when wecommunicate with people from other countries. however, smile is a kind of magiclanguage that everyone can read easily, no matter where he comes from.


for one thing, smilecan transfer warmth and energy. as graduates, we are faced with a lot ofrecruitment. each of us is nervous. but when we see the smile on others’ faces,it's just like the golden sunshine. smile is just the medium of positiveenergy.


for the otherthing, smile can express friendship. when we praise others, just bonus a smile,it will be prettier than amount of words.


it is obviousthat smile is a good way to show your respect to others. smile is the shortestdistance between two people. wish you have good relationships with others.


初中英语拓展听力教案 篇6



1. 培养学生捕捉信息的能力。

2. 培养学生推导和预测的能力。

3. 逐步培养学生做笔记的能力。









1. 听前活动的目的: 听前活动的目的是引导学生进入主题听力状态,为更好地听做各方面的准备。内容包括让学生明确听力学习的目标任务,对听力材料的内容引起注意,提起兴趣,以最佳状态进入听力活动。准确把握听前活动的设计,结合学生实际,设计既贴近学生生活实际,又满足听力准备的需求。

2. 听前活动设计需要注意:

(1)听前活动设计不应包括词汇扩展 听前活动的目的是为听力活动的开展做必要的准备,扫清会对听力理解产生障碍的词汇及必要的背景知识准备是必不可少的。但是这项准备工作只是要学生认知生词即可,词汇的扩展学习应放在听力理解之后,这样能使教学层次清楚,又重点突出。

(2)听前活动内容设计要融入对新语言知识的感知 通过听前活动使学生感知听力课文中出现的新语言知识如核心词汇句型,这样不仅能降低听力理解的难度,还能增加新知识学习的层次与复现率,使学习过程更系统、更扎实。

(3) 听前活动所占时间不宜过长,且内容紧扣听力材料。


1. 听中活动的目的: 听中教学目的是理解语篇承载的信息和感知新语言结构在实际情景中的运用。教师应根据学生认知水平和需求,创造有效的听力理解环节教学活动设计。

2. 听中活动设计的基本原则

(1)培养学生运用语言的能力是教学设计要遵循的原则。 教师要根据听力内容的需要,学生语言知识和技能的发展需要设计听力活动。让学生按要求完成某种任务,如做笔记、填写表格、写摘要、进行实际操作。

(2) 要充分发挥多种媒体功能。 把声音与图画或实物等配合帮助学生理解听力材料的内容。可减低难度,使教学情景化,增加趣味性。

3. 听中可采取的教学方法



4. 听中活动设计需要注意的问题

(1 )要注重学生听力理解技能的培养和训练。


(3) 不要一边听一边看听力原文。

(三) 听后活动设计

1. 听后活动的目的 重视听后的理解过程,培养学生听后进行回忆、分析、综合、概括等能力。 在听力过程结束后,我们并不是简单地让学生校对答案,判断正确与否,而是通过对听力材料的再挖掘,培养学生分析、综合、概括、推理等高级能力。

2. 听后活动设计需要注意:


(2)语言知识训练形式要重语言交际 教师的课上训练形式要侧重于学生的交际能力培养。笔头练习活动要与口头活动结合起来。教师一定要认识到要发展学生在现实生活中运用语言的能力只靠“笔头活动”是不能实现的。 要靠听说读写多种活动来逐步培养的。


学生听力的提高只靠课上有限的时间是不够的。教师要调动学生的学习积极性,采用多种作业形式和监控方法,使学生能够在课下进行听力练习。教师可以就听力留作业:跟读录音、做部分听写等。教师还要拓展作业的范围,使学生能接触更广泛、更丰富的听力语料。如电视、电影、讲座、采访、歌曲、故事、讲笑话。这些听力材料都可以用于训练和培养学生的。听力技能 , 提高他们的听力水平。





选项:a. yes ,i can. b. yes, i am .

c. sorry, i don’t know d.i can do it

录音:can you count from one to a hundred?

析:此题只听清了“can you ”两个词就句断定这是一个一般疑问名,要用“yes ”或“no”回答,再根据can 这个词,可断定要选a项。


选项:1. a. he prefers tea to coffee.

b. he prefers coffee to tea.

c. he prefers both coffee and tea.

d. he prefers neither coffee or tea.

录音;mr green likes coffee better than tea.

析: 在听录音之前,应迅速分析一下4个选项,并判断出可能要考察词组“prefer…to”相近,故选b 项。

选项:2. a. lucy’s sweater is new.

b. the new sweater is green.

c. lucy’s new sweater is green.

录音:the new green sweater is lucy’s.

析:浏览选项时,就会知道本题与sweater 有关。涉及到的主要形容词有new和green。另外,这件毛衣是否属于lucy的。当听到录音时,会发现a,b两个选项描述的不全面,意思最接近的选项是c项。


选项:a. there . b. four c. five. d. six

录音:m: what do your brothers do ,linda?

w: one is a worker, the other is a doctor.

m: what about your parents?

w: they’ re both teachers.

q: how many people are there in linda’s family?

析:此题初听起来只有4个人,很可能选b,但linda也是家中的一员,这是常识。two brothers, parents 和linda应为5个人,故应选c项。


选项:a. it’s summer. b. it’s autumn.

c. it’s winter.

录音:it’s snowing hard, and the land is all white.



选项:a. where is your ball?

b. is your ball under the desk?

c. your ball is under the desk, isn’t it?

录音:it’ s under the desk.



选项:a. 42 b.23 c.19

录音:m: how many students are there in your class?

w: forty-two. twenty-three of them are girls.

q: how many boys are there in the class?


初中英语作文 篇7


madame curie was one of the greatest scientists in the world. she was born in 1867. she first lived in poland, then went to france. when she was very young she was interested in science. she worked very hard and discovered the element radium. she received the nobel prizes in 1903 and in 1911.

for the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. the radium with which she had worked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. she died in paris at the age o~ 66.

today she is remembered as a great scientist. but she is also remembered for her determination and courage.
