

高二英语作文练习素材2:how to become independent from parents 篇1

on 5th, december, , the south africa’s former president and the nobel winner nelson r. mandela had passed away. suddenly, the whole world was in deep mourning for this great man. in his extraordinary life, he had made marvelous contribution to his country, also to this world.

12月5日,南非前总统和诺贝尔奖获得者尼尔森。 r.曼德拉逝世。突然之间,整个世界都在沉痛悼念这位伟大的人物。在他毫不平凡的一生中,他对他的国家,乃至整个世界都做出了巨大的贡献。

born in a small village in south africa, mandela was one of the 13 children of a tribe chief. unlike his father, he didn’t want to use his social status to oppress his people. deep in his heart, he wanted to start the national liberation movement, and help the black people to live freely. in 1944, mandela was actively involved in different kinds of campaign, aimed to fight for the rights for the majority blacks without violence resistance in the country. in 1961, he became the anti-apartheid leader, and won the honor of all the black people. however, mandela was arrested for treason but later was acquitted. in 1962, the south africa government was arrest him for the same excuse and he started his prison life for 27 years. but the hard life in prison never changed his faith that he would build an equal, free new africa. he is such a great fighter that he finally released from prison. he believed that the world would become peace and equal. there is no racial discrimination.


just like he used to say, no one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. people must learn to hate, if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.


rest in peace,mandela.


高考英语作文练习素材 篇2

the morning of june 26th, , the united states supreme court rejects the supporters’ appeal of california proposition eight by five votes to four votes. the ruling means that it is opening green light for the legalization of same-sex marriage in california. and the same-sex couples in california can be married in 25 days the fastest.


at the same time, the supreme court has made another ruling. the federal “defense of marriage act” is unconstitutional enacted in , which means that the same-sex marriage couples in the twelve states of united states and washington d.c. have the same federal benefits and rights with heterosexual marriage partner in the national scope.


there are hundreds of people gather in the historic city hall waiting for supreme court ruling on san francisco, which is the first same-sex marriage certificates issued place at 7:00 a.m.


at present, there are twelve states in united states and washington d.c. allow same-sex couples to register marriage.


this weekend is the annual gay pride parade in san francisco. san francisco and san jose will held various kinds of celebration activities this night.


小学作文英语练习素材 篇3

today, many young people are crazy about their idols. many years ago, in order to see the idol, a girl made her father threaten the star, finally, the father dropped down the river and ended his life. it is such a horrible incident, the public criticizes the girl for her blindness in worshipping star. many students even skip their class, just to see their idols in the airport. what’s more, they spend a lot of money to buy the products about their idols. the students don’t have money, they ask their parents to give the money, it is not right to do it. the young people should treat the stars in the right way, they need to figure what is right and wrong. if they follow their stars in the wrong way, they will ruin themselves. so people need to support their stars in the wise way.


高一英语作文练习素材 篇4

the new year‘s eve

the new year's eve is a meaningful night, which full of expectation and happiness for the comping up new year. it is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar and the first day of the next year, so it serves as a transition. in the course of day, every family make special purchase and sweep the dust. in the afternoon, people paste distich on the door to drive away ghost and back of illness and disaster. then, it is time to have a family reunion dinner when the sun goes down. for the most part, dinners are dumplings, which one could be in a bag of coins and who eat it will be the lucky gus in the family in the new year. as night began to fall, the sky shone with the light from the fireworks, which went off in a cascade of color. the children cheer for fireworks busting into bloom in the ground. however, when the old look up at the colorful sky, they feel happy, but they feel a little sorrow as well. besides, somewhere exist a custom named staying up, people didn't sleep until next morning to greet the new year. on the whole, the new year's eve is brimming with happiness.

小学作文英语练习素材4:介绍朋友 introduce friends 篇5

nowadays, the career of being a model is most young girls’ dreams. being a model means the beautiful image and the perfect body shape, while being the supermodel more fame and money, what’s more important, it means to be the excellent woman. in china, more and more models have been recognized by the foreign fashion circle. recently, the most successful chinese model must be liu wen, a girl who comes from an ordinary family. actually, liu is not a shinning girl at first sight, but when you look at her for a few days, you will find out her special temperament and can’t take your eyes away from her. liu works so hard to get what she has today, it is said that she only took no more than 4 hours to rest at the beginning. being a supermodel needs to work hard.


小学作文英语练习素材3:对朋友的祝贺my congratulation to my friend 篇6

ann is one of my friends. she is myclassmate. she always dress in blue. i don’t known whether is because of herthat my favorite color is blue. she is cute and naive. our teachers always praiseher in front of the class for her excellent study and great personality. i likestay with her. so does she. she likes drawing pictures. to be a painter in thefuture is her dream. i know she will realize her dream on day.


高三英语作文练习素材1:is the space is a huge waste of money? 篇7

in our daily life, we usually find that the overseas returnees are easier to a high payment job than those who don’t have such experience. it seems that the employers prefer them more. are they real superior to the common people who haven’t been to abroad? in my opinion, my answer is no. it is unfair for the common people. here are my reasons.


first of all, not everyone study oversea can learn real skills. as people’s living standard has been improved a lot, many people have the chance to study abroad. but not too many people treasure this chance. when they go to a foreign country, what they do the most is to play not study. when they return home, what they bring is a diploma not some real skills. if the employers choose them only according to their diploma, it is unfair to the others.


secondly, the knowledge from overseas is not always fit for us. even the students go to abroad to learn some real skills; it may not suitable for our chinese. after all, different countries will have cultural conflicts. so, i don’t think overseas returnee is superior to us. everyone should have the same chance when hunting jobs.


in general, overseas returnees may have extra experience when it compared to the ordinary people. but they should not be superior to us. everyone is equal.


小学生作文练习素材积累 篇8



在排队时,我已经跳来跳去,坐在船上,我更是快把船掀翻了。“啊!”突然间,我听到前面有人尖叫,我循声望去,只见一艘船已经被浪花覆盖了。不知不觉中,船已经上升到一半了,它正在一点一点地往高处上升,终于到了最顶端,而大家的心也提到了嗓子眼。很快,船开始往下倾斜,这时,我们知道,最为惊险的一刹那就要来了。我紧紧地抓住靠门的扶手,“啊!”船已经开始加速了,我这个人都已经失重了,脑子一片空白,只顾着放肆的尖叫。我们的身子向前倾斜,巨大的惯性让我们重重的往前撞了一下,幸好柔性的水缓解了着巨大的冲击力。但是,巨大的浪花把我们淋成了“落汤鸡” !



高一英语作文练习素材 篇9

look at the cloud is the weather

we can also according to the phenomenon of light on the cloud, speculated that the weather condition. around the sun and the moon, sometimes a kind of beautiful colorful aperture, layer is red,the aperture is called halo. solar halo and mooning often produce in volume layer cloud, volume layer at the back of the large altostratus cloud and rain clouds, is the sign of the big wind and rain. so have a “solar halo night rain, lunar halo noon the wind”。 volume layer cloud in the instructions, and dizzy, the weather becomes bad. another smaller than halo of color ring, known as “china”。 the arrangement of color is red, uv with dizzy just the opposite.solar corona and part on the edge of altostratus yuet mostly. huahuan changed from small to big, the weather to clear. huahuan from large to small, the weather is likely to turn to rain. summer, after a storm comes a calm,opposite the sun on the clouds of often hang a colorful arc, that is the rainbow. people often say: “east rainbow boom west rainbow rain.”

小学作文英语练习素材1:坚强的歌手the tough singer 篇10

since we go to school, my friend and i are fighting for our future college, we want to go to our dreaming college, so we work so hard. after three years’ fighting, we finally come to the graduate season, i get my college’s reception, i am so happy, my friend also gets what she wants, all of us have realized our dreams. as her best friend, i am so happy for her, so i want to show my congratulation to her. i decide to buy her a present, so i go to shopping. i have no idea what to buy, my mother suggests me to buy her a pen, i think it is a good idea. i buy a pen with the picture that she loves, i give this present to her, she is very happy and she says she likes it very much. i wish her the best in her college life.


一年级英语作文练习素材 篇11

my name is lihua.i‘m twelve years old.

my favorite clothes is t-shirt.my blue t-shirt,it‘s from my mum.oh! i have a pair of gloves,it look so pretty.my favorite colours are blue and brown.

in school.my english teacher is ms.shang,she is very young and in black and white blouse.my good friend is wanghen,he ryes are very small,legs are long and ears are big.my eyes are big,but my legs are shirt.my head is big,ers are small.every day,i'm walk to school.

it's me.i am lihua.

高考英语作文练习素材3:advertisement is a curse 篇12

when it comes to summer, you will certainly think of the words like hot and rain and next comes vocation. the heat in summer is so terrible that make people only want to stay at home, with an air-conditioner workind day after day. sometimes it will rain a heavy rain, however this year, the endless rain brings not only cool temperature, but also some water build up. however, when you suddenly meet an unrainy day, you may happily call some friends out to play. if it's hot, you can go to the movies and if it's not, maybe you can go to some entertainment places to enjoy yourselves. and still, you can go to swimming, in the pool or to the sea, it's a good choice to not only exercise but also spend the fun. summer is a time to fix yourself, you can make a plan for the autumn, or consider back to the spring about what you did wrong.

may everyone enjoy their summer!
